Lá está. Ainda há dias tinha metido umas coisas lindas no blog, para aqui chegar hoje, olhar para o conjunto e achar que estava demasiado "barulhento". Se calhar, amanhã chego à conclusão que afinal está demasiado pálido e faço outra coisa qualquer.
There. Some days ago I uploaded some stuff on the blog, to look at it today and feel that it was to "noisy". Maybe tomorrow, when I get here, I'll reach the conclusion that it's quite white and do something else again.

So, I reach the conclusion that, after 2 and 1/2 years of blogging I want to do something different, although I feel that everything has been done and you can't innovate in any way. That's why I'll be taking this course. Those who did the first one say it's really worth it. And I can't wait to start!

Se amanhã tiverem um bocadinho sem nada para fazer, dêem uma olhadela neste post. Cheio de sabedoria e dicas e uma luz ao fundo do túnel para os bloggers que se sentem sós e abandonados!
If you have time, read this post. It's full of wisdom and ideas and it's a light at the end of the tunel for the bloggers who feel abandoned.
If you have time, read this post. It's full of wisdom and ideas and it's a light at the end of the tunel for the bloggers who feel abandoned.

Images via 1.James Merrel, 2.Domino, 3.Notebook Mag , 4.Rodney Smith
Eu pessoalmente gosto imenso do teu blog! Dá-nos sempre a conhecer uma selecção de fotos carregadas de bom gosto e requinte, mas percebo o que dizes em relação a esse vazio... Quanto ao curso parece ser bastante interessante :)
ResponderEliminarEhehe! Obrigada pelo elogio. Esses "empurrões" ao ego sabem sempre muito bem!
ResponderEliminarThanks for the link to Decor8's topic on blogs and commenting. I'm confused by what you're saying here. Are you quitting your blog because of low comments? I hope that's not true and I hope you're not wounded??
ResponderEliminarNo, I'm not quitting my blog! It's just that I had some "special effects" that I put down a week after because I grew tired of them. That's the only issue - I still miss doing something great - visually speaking- on this blog. And I'm ok with low comments. I, myself, am not a very comment person, so I don't take it so seriously. Knowing that people come back to see what's new here is quite good! I truly hope to see you here more often!
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comments.
Vim hoje pela 1º vez ao teu blog e, de facto, great pics!!
ResponderEliminarFicamos à espera de um post sobre o curso ;)
Passei por aqui para te desejar um *****FeLiZ NaTaL *****