Os que me conhecem sabem que sou viciada em chá. Bebo-o aos litros, prefiro-o ao café. E sempre cheio de açúcar, ao contrário do que a lei manda. E de preferência em folhas e nunca naquelas saquetas irritantes que mais parece que aproveitaram os restos e dá para um carioca de chá. Não! Chá que se preze tem de ser em folhas - Twinings de preferência, mas vai qualquer um - em água mineral (a água da torneira tira o sabor) e com duas colheres de açúcar!
Those who know me, know that I have a serious tea addiction. I drink it in gallons, I'd rather have it than coffee. And always with lots of sugar, just like it shouldn't be. And preferably in loose leafs instaed of those annoying bags that look like they have the 3rd choice tea and we hardly manage to do a very mild cup of tea. No! Real tea must be in loose leafs - Twinings, if possible, otherwise anything else can goes - with mineral water (fausset water just turns it tasteless) and with two full spoons of sugar!

Para melhorar ainda mais os meus Tea Times, descobri via Swiss Miss, o acessório para chá mais giro deste mundo! Não será o máximo olhar para dentro da caneca e ver um Yellow Submarine a flutuar no Chá da Tranquilidade?
To improve even more my Tea Time, I've found via Swiss Miss, the most funny tea accessory! Wouldn't it be great to look into our tea cup and see a Yellow Submarine floating in the Tea of Tranquility?

Pode ser comprado aqui. You can buy it here.
Ps - Detesto Chá de Jasmim.
Ps - I hate Jasmin Tea.
acho qe fazes muito bem em gostar de cha, e bom para emagrecer..
ResponderEliminarhej, thats a funny idea...i´m also a great tea drinker...do you know the green tea "marani"?...if not i must to send you from germany...love it...;)...have a nice day and fun with homework three...;)...cheers...
ResponderEliminarThat is so cute! I'm a big tea drinker too and the perfect way for loose leaf teas.
ResponderEliminarOh that tea submarine is too cute! How fun :-) Although I admit loose tea is better quality, I am too lazy to make it properly - so tea bags & microwaved bottled water is the way I go.
ResponderEliminarPS I always *want* to like Jasmine Tea more than I actually do...
Yes, Christy, I share the same issue with Jasmne tea with you!