This is not the first time I talk about portuguese things that come up either on foreign magazines or blogs, which makes me quite happy, as it means that our country is slowly getting the attention it deserves. And, once again, I was browsing Marie Claire Maison and found out the house of Portuguese decorator, Marina Saldanha.
It's an old fishermen's house, rescued from some German hippies. The perfect place to relax after a frantic week of work.
Gosto do estilo descontraído, em que se combinam peças apanhadas aqui e ali, que aparentemente nada têm a ver umas com as outras e no fim encaixam tão bem como um puzzle. Decorar é isto. Não é entrar numa loja, comprar "conjuntos de mobília" que combina do principio ao fim e meter-lhe uns bibelots em cima.
I like its relaxed style, where pieces gathered from various places that aparently have nothing to do with each other, end up fitting so well together. This is decorating. Nothing to do with going into a shop, buying some matching furnitures sets and put some nik naks on top.
Images via Marie Claire Maison.
Que gira que está a casa!! Gosto especialmente do alpendre e da cozinha :)