
All I need....

...é uma das minhas músicas preferidas dos Air e sempre que a ouço parece-me que estou do outro lado a pedir que me dêem tempo.... Uffff.....demasiadas coisas, tempo a menos. A propósito disso, encontrei esta página do caderno da Kitty Pink Stars (estou completamente apaixonada pelos art books dela). Diz tudo sem ser demasiado complicada. Para complicada já basta a vida. one of my favourite songs from Air and everytime I listen to it it seems it's me on the other end begging for some more time...... Uffff...too many things, so little time. To help out, I found this page of Kitty Pink Stars (I'm totally in love with her journals). It says it all without being to messy. Life is messy enough.

Image by Kitty Pink Stars

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  1. Aii...essa menina tem art books lindos!!!! Também sou fã!!!!

  2. Hi Anna!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm so happy you did because now I found your blog!
    Oh, I know what you mean: there isn't enough time in the world to do all the things one wants to do!
    I look forward to seeing you in BYW 2.0! Have a great day!
    Muito carinho,

  3. Hola Anna. Lindo heart logo. And I loved your friday quote .
    Val from BYW

  4. Oh yes, i also like so much this air song!
    and the time... It's sometimes difficult to use it in the best way...

    Love also the picture.
    Wish you a nice day!

  5. I love that journal entry! And I too definitely need more time. Lots more! Loving your blog, going to follow! :D


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