
O verão chegou! / Summer has arrived!!


Dressing down for a hot day

Sei que está muito calor para o casaco, mas as noites ainda são frias!

I know it's too hot to wear the jacket, but we still have cold nights!

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  1. E bem friazitas!! ;)

    Gostei do blog <3

    biju biju*

  2. It also makes me happy, Lisa! We're all eager for some summer clothes as winter has been to long on this side of Europe!

  3. loving that adorable dress! summer has def. arrived, it's oppressively humid in NY today!

  4. It may seem quite strange, but after having a week with temperatures around 36ºC we've now dropped to 21ºC and rain. I just hope I'll be able to go to the beach during summer!


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